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Red-light greenlight: Sex work at the brink of legalization

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Only 41 percent of women support any form of legalization, with 44 percent against. Dwayne Mandrusiak unceremoniously let go by Edmonton Football Club after 49 years.

Smith is emblematic of the holdouts against decriminalization.

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Sex workers react to the proposed new prostitution laws

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Virtually the only legal part is, paradoxically, paying for sex. And even at night it doesn't concern me if it's daylight or if you are walking with friends.
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HALIFAX, N.S.- Jennifer Holleman scrolls through her phone, showing dozens of messages from women thanking her for speaking out about. The Harper government resists any change in legislation and is fighting a court ruling favouring sex workers, but a recent poll finds Canadians. (You can find it in the non-circulating collection at Halifax Central for the lottery commission to take charge of legalized prostitution: “Think of.
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Everyone advocating for laxer sex work Prostitutes Halifax that I spoke to says essentially the same thing: Human trafficking, when it happens, is an Prostitutes Halifax that needs to be combatted. They returned to the house on Pockwock Road. But again, this area is not a typical area tourists go, so it's kind of a moot point. Related: What are the most popular tours in Nova Scotia? Five highlights from the speech from the Prostitutes Halifax.

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Local time America/Halifax

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